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How this program changes lives

Not sure if this program is for you? Here is what some of the ladies we have worked with have to say. 


I've achieved...

6 kgs weight loss, life realignment, focus on me and lifestyle

After weight gain, mood changes, feeling of disrespect about myself, life out of balance, it was time to change! The 8 weeks had been amazing, the support, guidance and goals are all very achievable! I will keep on going with this regime for life! Thank you Hilds!! You are amazing! 💗💗

Sue, NSW, Australia


The Best I have Felt In Years

I’m so happy and feel the best I have in years, thanks to My Midlife Makeover journey x. I’m continuing forever.

Nicki, Cairns, Australia – 65

Nicki The Menopause Diet Testimonial

I lost over 4kg, bloating reduced

Fluctuating hormones, wandering waistline, empty energy tank – I had the lot but I never thought my diet was the problem. After just four weeks following the Menopause Diet guidelines though, I started to feel lighter in the head and in my body. By being mindful about my food intake, this process has given me the confidence to make necessary changes without feeling like a failure if I trip up, and regain a bit of sparkle. I lost over 4kg, bloating reduced, went down a bra size and all my clothes feel like they fit properly. The combination of food management, strength training and positive support really has been fabulous – thank you for helping me feel more energised and joyful 🙂

Jo, Australia


I lost 4kg in the first 28 days!

For 2 years I’d been trying to lose the extra layer of fat that had crept on around my belly. I had got to the point where I was sick of wearing clothes to hide in rather than all the clothes I had hanging in my wardrobe I couldn’t wear anymore. After just 28 days I had already lost 4kg and was loving my new way of life.

Lucy, Adelaide, Australia – 49 

Lucy before and after the menopause diet


Fluctuating hormones, wandering waistline, empty energy tank - I had the lot but I never thought my diet was the problem.

After just four weeks following the Menopause Diet guidelines though, I started to feel lighter in the head and in my body. By being mindful about my food intake, this process has given me the confidence to make necessary changes without feeling like a failure if I trip up, and regain a bit ...

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Reduced Bloating and Down a Bra Size

Fluctuating hormones, wandering waistline, empty energy tank - I had the lot but I never thought my diet was the problem.

After just four weeks following the Menopause Diet guidelines though, I started to feel lighter in the head and in my body. By being mindful about my food intake, this process has given me the confidence to make necessary changes without feeling like a failure if I trip up, and regain a bit of sparkle.

I lost over 4kg, bloating reduced, went down a bra size and all my clothes feel like they fit properly.

The combination of food management, strength training and positive support really has been fabulous - thank you for helping me feel more energised and joyful 🙂

Reduced Bloating and Down a Bra Size
I was struggling with Aches and pains. Time to myself. My goal was to learn to eat the right foods to recover better and reduce inflammation. Making sure I was setting myself up well for every day. This program has taught me to be kind to myself. Taking time out to clear my mind. Learning to say no. There is something for everyone in this program whether you want to lose weight, create new goals, ensure your mind is right and more importantly understanding your own emotional needs and the triggers...
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I've learnt to be kind to myself
I was struggling with Aches and pains. Time to myself. My goal was to learn to eat the right foods to recover better and reduce inflammation. Making sure I was setting myself up well for every day. This program has taught me to be kind to myself. Taking time out to clear my mind. Learning to say no. There is something for everyone in this program whether you want to lose weight, create new goals, ensure your mind is right and more importantly understanding your own emotional needs and the triggers that we subconsciously have when it comes to eating and exercise.
I've learnt to be kind to myself
I was struggling with over eating over drinking and not enough exercise. I wanted to lose some weight learn about eating good food again and to do more exercise. I'm down 6.4 kgs and lost centimetres around my belly and hips and thighs and my overall health has improved. If you're thinking about joining, Absolutely do it. It helped me think about what I was eating what works for me and changing to a healthier life style. Hilde was very supportive and when you needed help she was there to get you back...
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I've lost 6.4kg
I was struggling with over eating over drinking and not enough exercise. I wanted to lose some weight learn about eating good food again and to do more exercise. I'm down 6.4 kgs and lost centimetres around my belly and hips and thighs and my overall health has improved. If you're thinking about joining, Absolutely do it . It helped me think about what I was eating what works for me and changing to a healthier life style. Hilde was very supportive and when you needed help she was there to get you back on the right track.
I've lost 6.4kg
I was struggling with Menopause symptoms. My goal was to feel better, more energy, lose weight, reduce menopause symptoms and sleep better. I have achieved organisation with meal planning. Knowledget on how to eat healthier and lose weight. The importance of looking after yourself and having "me" time. Keeping up with a regular exercise routine. If you're thinking about joining. Just do it! By joining up you will learn so much about how to eat and exercise properly and look after yourself. I lost around 3kg and still going. I have dropped a dress size. No more bloated stomach. My ...
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I have dropped a dress size
I was struggling with Menopause symptoms. My goal was to feel better, more energy, lose weight, reduce menopause symptoms and sleep better. I have achieved organisation with meal planning. Knowledget on how to eat healthier and lose weight. The importance of looking after yourself and having "me" time. Keeping up with a regular exercise routine. If you're thinking about joining. Just do it! By joining up you will learn so much about how to eat and exercise properly and look after yourself. I lost around 3kg and still going. I have dropped a dress size. No more bloated stomach. My hot flushes and mood swings have reduced. I sleep better and feel better about myself.
I have dropped a dress size
I was struggling with over indulging on weekends and inconsistent exercise. I've achieved a more balanced consistent approach to eating and exercising. This is a great program. The information provided is thorough, well researched and presented in an easy to understand format. The Self Care Challenge is a lovely point of difference and it’s very uplifting. But the best part of the program is Hilde’s support and encouragement. She is never judgemental or unreasonable in her advice. It’s always given in a positive and supportive way. My advice would be give...
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More balanced and consistent approach to eating and exercising
I was struggling with over indulging on weekends and inconsistent exercise. I've achieved a more balanced consistent approach to eating and exercising. This is a great program. The information provided is thorough, well researched and presented in an easy to understand format. The Self Care Challenge is a lovely point of difference and it’s very uplifting. But the best part of the program is Hilde’s support and encouragement. She is never judgemental or unreasonable in her advice. It’s always given in a positive and supportive way. My advice would be give it a go!!
More balanced and consistent approach to eating and exercising
After weight gain, mood changes, feeling of disrespect about myself, life out of balance, it was time to change! The 8 weeks had been amazing, the support, guidance and goals are all very achievable! I will keep on going with this regime for life! Thank you Hilds!! You are amazing! 💗💗 My goal was to lose the weight and feel good about myself again! I have achieved 6kg weight loss, life realignment, focus on me and lifestyle. If you're thinking about joining. Definitely join! It's the best decision I have...
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Life realignment and 6kg weight loss
After weight gain, mood changes, feeling of disrespect about myself, life out of balance, it was time to change! The 8 weeks had been amazing, the support, guidance and goals are all very achievable! I will keep on going with this regime for life! Thank you Hilds!! You are amazing! 💗💗 My goal was to lose the weight and feel good about myself again! I have achieved 6kg weight loss, life realignment, focus on me and lifestyle. If you're thinking about joining. Definitely join! It's the best decision I have ever made!
Life realignment and 6kg weight loss