
What foods to avoid during menopause

what foods to avoid during menopause

Ah, menopause – that inevitable phase of life that brings a mix of emotions, changes, and yes, dietary adjustments.

Just as our bodies go through a whirlwind of transformations during this time, our nutritional needs also shift. But fear not! With a little insight and some good choices, you can breeze through menopause with minimal discomfort. In this blog, we’re going to chat about the foods you might want to avoid or at lease limit during this transitional period.

Foods to limit during Menopause

Sugary Temptations:

Ladies, I get it – that sweet tooth has been your steadfast companion for years. But during menopause, those sugary indulgences can play tricks on your hormones. Excessive sugar intake can exacerbate mood swings and energy fluctuations. Plus, it’s no secret that menopausal women are more susceptible to weight gain. Instead of reaching for that chocolate bar, opt for natural sweeteners like honey or indulge in a bowl of fresh berries.

Caffeine Overload:

Picture this: It’s 2 AM, and you’re wide awake, pondering life’s mysteries. While coffee has been your trusty friend for your morning motivation, excessive caffeine can disrupt your sleep patterns and intensify hot flushes. Try swapping your afternoon cup of coffee for herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint. These soothing blends might just become your new bedtime ritual.

Spicy Culprits:

I love spice and coffee and sugar but during perimenopause that combination is sure to have me searching for the nearest fat. Spicy foods can trigger hot flushes and night sweats, making your body temperature rollercoaster even more intense. Opt for milder flavors or be smart and limit the amount of spice or how often you indulge. I personally find some spice is ok but if I combine it with alcohol at night, I know I’m in for a BAD nights sleep. 

Processed Fare:

Your trusty packaged snacks might have been convenient or you got away with eating lots of them in your younger years but now’s the time to bid farewell to those processed options. Processed foods often contain unhealthy trans fats and high levels of sodium, which can wreak havoc on your heart health and contribute to weight gain. Focus on whole, unprocessed foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to support your body’s changing needs.

Dairy Dilemma:

Your relationship with dairy might have been a bit rocky in the past, but menopause could exacerbate the issue. Many women find that dairy products can trigger bloating and digestive discomfort during this phase. Instead, explore alternative options like almond milk, coconut yogurt, or lactose-free dairy if you’re not ready to part ways entirely.

Salty Surprises:

That bag of potato chips might be calling your name, but here’s the scoop: Excess salt can lead to water retention and bloating – two things you definitely want to avoid when your hormones are already throwing a party. Keep an eye on your sodium intake and flavour your dishes with herbs, lemon, or vinegar for a tasty twist.

Alcohol Awareness:

A glass of wine might be your go-to relaxation method, but alcohol can mess with your sleep quality and exacerbate mood swings. Additionally, it can interfere with calcium absorption, potentially affecting bone health – a concern for many women during menopause. Enjoy alcohol in moderation and consider exploring non-alcoholic alternatives for unwinding.

I know that it might be seeming a bit doom and gloom. All the ‘good’ stuff has to go. What I’ve learnt is that if you eat a nutrient diet the majority of the time you will FEEL amazing and still be able to factor in a few nice treats here and there. 

Just remember everyone’s journey with menopause is unique.

While there are foods you might want to avoid for a smoother transition, it’s crucial to listen to your body and make choices that align with your individual needs and preferences. Incorporating a well-balanced diet rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods, staying hydrated, and engaging in regular physical activity can all contribute to a more comfortable menopause experience.

So, here’s to embracing this new phase of life with open arms and a plate full of delicious, menopause-friendly options! 

❤️ Hilds

P.S Don’t fight the change, work with your body! 

You can still love yourself and be a work in progress.
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