Navigating the U Curve of Happiness

Have you ever woken up one day and wondered where you’ve gone? Life has gotten so busy that you just got caught up in the momentum, and you seem to be going along for the ride. One busy week flows into another, and before you know it, your kids have grown up, and you’re left wondering who you are.

Well, this is where I was not long ago. One morning, I’m lying in bed feeling a bit flat, reading my latest self-help “get my life together” book, ‘How to Have an Epic Retirement’ by Bec Wilson, and right in front of me, it’s talking about the U Curve of Happiness, and in an instant, it all made sense.

The most bottom point in the U Curve of Happiness is 47.5, wow, what the heck, that’s me, no wonder I’m feeling a bit lost.

The U Curve of Happiness

What is the U Curve of happiness

The U curve of happiness is a concept used in psychology and sociology to describe the typical trajectory of happiness over the course of a person’s life. It suggests that happiness tends to follow a U-shaped curve, with peaks in early adulthood, dips in midlife, and a gradual ascent back to happiness in later years. Research indicates that happiness often reaches its lowest point around the age of 47.5, coinciding with the midpoint of the U curve which also happens to coincide with perimenopause and menopause.

No wonder we’re left feeling average!

Women looking tired

In this blog, I want to also explore how the U Curve of Happiness relates to perimenopause and menopause as understanding this can help to empower you to embrace this phase in your life and realise things can be amazing on the other side 🥰.

Here’s a breakdown of the U curve of happiness phases:


Early Adulthood (Peak Happiness): In the early stages of adulthood, typically from the late teens to the late twenties or early thirties, individuals often experience high levels of happiness and life satisfaction. This period is characterised by milestones such as completing education, establishing careers, forming intimate relationships, and starting families. These milestones can contribute to a sense of accomplishment, purpose, and fulfillment, leading to peak levels of happiness.

Midlife Dip: As individuals progress through their thirties, forties, and fifties, they may encounter a dip in happiness and life satisfaction. This phase, often referred to as the midlife crisis or the midlife slump, is characterized by a range of challenges and stressors. These may include career pressures, financial responsibilities, relationship strains, health concerns, and existential questioning. As people confront the realities of aging and navigate the complexities of midlife transitions, they may experience a decline in well-being.

Later Years (Recovery of Happiness): Despite the challenges of midlife, happiness tends to rebound in the later years. From the late fifties or early sixties onward, individuals often experience a gradual increase in happiness and life satisfaction. This upward trajectory may be attributed to various factors, including increased emotional resilience, greater acceptance of life’s imperfections, enhanced social connections, reduced work-related stress, and a shift in priorities towards personal fulfillment and meaningful experiences. Additionally, as individuals approach retirement and have more leisure time, they may have more opportunities to pursue hobbies, interests, and relationships that contribute to their overall well-being.

How the U Curve of happiness relate to perimenopause and menopause


For many women, Perimenopause starts in their 40’s and can last up to 10 years, right when many women may find themselves navigating the bottom of the U curve, grappling with feelings of uncertainty, loss, and questioning their lives, along with the hormonal fluctuations and physiological changes can amplify emotional vulnerability, leading to heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.

It’s a time when women may question their  identity, purpose, and ageing, which can contribute to feelings of discontent and disillusionment..  It’s a bit of a double whammy. Hormones are fluctuating, oestrogen is declining causing mood swings, sleep disturbances, hot flushes, brain fog and you’re also trying to navigate being in the busiest phase of your life and crawl up the otherside of that u-curve.

It’s no wonder, women find navigating perimenopause and menopause challenging. It’s not just the hormonoal changes but we start to question everything about our lives.

What I want to get across in this blog, is it is ‘normal’. This phase of life can be really challenging and the first step is simply becoming aware. You’re not just juggling a few hormonal changes, you’re also facing being at the bottom of the U Curve of Happiness.

While the midlife dip can be challenging, it’s important to realise that it is a transient phase that precedes a period of renewed happiness and fulfillment (bring it on!). By understanding this it can make it easier to navigate life’s ups and downs with greater resilience, perspective, and optimism.

Despite the challenges posed by the U curve’s dip, perimenopause and menopause also present opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and empowerment. By reframing this phase as a natural and inevitable part of the life cycle, women can cultivate resilience and embrace the transformative potential of this journey. Through self-care practices, mindfulness techniques, and social support, women can navigate the emotional turbulence with greater ease and grace and the whole reason I developed the Midlife Makeover program. It’s not just about losing weight, it’s about creating a life you love! 

Women enjoying life after 50

As women emerge from the depths of the U curve, they may discover a renewed sense of purpose, fulfillment, and vitality. By embracing their authentic selves, embracing their unique strengths, and prioritising self-care, women can reclaim their joy and vitality in the second half of life. Whether it’s pursuing new passions, nurturing relationships, or engaging in meaningful activities, menopause can be a catalyst for personal growth and self-actualisation.

By understanding the dynamics of the U curve of happiness, you can navigate life’s ups and downs with greater resilience, perspective, and optimism.

It’s never to late to create your best life!

💗 Hilds

You can still love yourself and be a work in progress.
A Year from now you'll wish you had started today.


Join our upcoming 8-Week Challenge starting on April 29th. If you feel like you’re lost yourself and not sure where to start, it’s time to get YOU back. Jump on board our 8 Week Challenge – Mid Year Makeover and create a life you love! 

8 Week Challenge



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