Menopausal Joint Pain

Do you suffer from sore joints? Over the last few months, I’ve noticed my joints were getting sore and for no real reason. I was seriously starting to feel like an old lady!

lady with walking stick suffering from joint pain

At first, I didn’t associate it with the medication I’m on (Tamoxifen) and my decreasing levels of Oestrogen in my body. I just thought I’d somehow injured myself and my days of running were done!

I knew that joint pain was one of the symptoms of menopause but for some reason when I started to experience it, I didn’t associate it directly. Much like many of the other menopausal symptoms like headaches, insomnia, dry skin and brain fog. Quite often some of the symptoms in isolation don’t make sense.

It was only after a visit to my GP that I was reminded that this is indeed one of the many symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.

What causes sore joints during menopause?

Sore joints during menopause can be a result of your declining oestrogen levels.

Oestrogen, protects joints and reduces inflammation, but when levels drop during menopause, inflammation can increase along with the risk of osteoporosis.

Menopausal joint pain is usually worse in the morning from disuse overnight but tends to lighten up as the day goes on.

Tips on how to manage reduce inflammation and reduce joint pain.

Eat an anti-inflammatory diet – The Menopause Diet is based around being anit-inflammatory.

Eat More

  • Tomatoes
  • Green leafy vegetables (Spinach, kale, Celery, Broccoli)
  • Nuts
  • Fatty Fish
  • Berries
  • Chia Seeds
  • Avocados
anit inflammatory diet for joint pain

Eat/Drink Less

  • Refined/processed carbohydrates
  • Soft drinks/sugary drinks
  • Margarine
  • Alchol 
refined carbohydrates and sugary foods

Look at supplementing with Tumeric (Curcumin). One of the best anti-inflammatory herbs due to it’s curcumin properties.

Get regular exercise – It might feel counter-intuitive, but regular exercise can actually free up the joint. Plus resistance training can really help improve bone strength.

Control your weight – Researchers have found that abdomen fat cells screte molecules and chemicals that increase inflammation and stimulate immune cells.

Get enough sleep, 7+ hours a day. Lack of sleep can increase inflammation. Your body also does a lot of healing while you sleep and if you are not getting enough sleep you can slow down your recovery time.


If you’re not sure where to start try limiting the amount of inflammatory foods and increasing anti-inflammatory foods.

Keep a food journal and track how you are feeling after meals and see what a difference eating a an anti-inflammatory diet can make.

I know for me I notice a HUGE difference when I’m consistent and avoid the refined carbohydrates. I was even back running this morning. 

Note: please make sure you seek medical advice if you are concerned about joint pain or looking to add supplements to your diet.

You can still love yourself and be a work in progress.
A Year from now you'll wish you had started today.


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Don’t let menopausal symptoms ruin your life! Women are realising that by implementing our recommended lifestyle changes, they not just notice their symptoms disapear, but they lose weight and start to feel better than they have in years! You can get started with The Menopause Diet E-Book Bundle from just $47 or if you’ve struggled to make changes on your own we recommend our 8 Week Menopausal Weight Loss Program – Midlife Makeover. This comes with daily lessons, actions and regular check-ins to keep you on track. 

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Midlife Makeover

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Healthy food with The Menopause Diet plan

The Menopause Diet

E-Book Bundle