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I’m here to make a real difference to your life.

At 44 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and it completely turned my life upside down. In an instant I knew what was important and what wasn’t. Our health and happiness is all that really matters, and all the small stuff we stress about really doesn’t. I don’t want you to have to wait for a cancer diagnosis to truly love your life and feel amazing in your own skin!

I’m here to make sure you feel amazing now….

💗 Hilds

Hilde Brunnbauer Online Fitness Coach
happy family celebrating


For those who don’t know me, I’ve had a fitness business for the last 15 years. I started when no one really knew what online fitness was all about.

I wasn’t your typical fitness guru, in my 20’s I was quite unfit, a pack a day smoker who could drink most blokes under the table.

My 20’s was fun when I was partying but when I wasn’t partying,  I suffered depression.

So, how did someone who wasn’t really into fitness start a fitness business?

Well, in my late 20’s I knew I needed to change so I embarked on a 12-week program. I know sounds cliché but it was a pivotal moment for me. Initially it was just to lose a few kilos, but what I finished with was so much more.

I started to believe in myself and was blown away with how good exercise and eating well made me feel. It was like my new drug of choice and I needed to let everyone know about it. Get Active Online was born out of this new found passion.

In 2019, something happened that was a huge wake-up call to just how important our health is.

Covid hit and the world as we knew it was no more. In the midst of the initial stages of Covid, we learned that my mother in-law, who was a huge support to our family, was diagnosed with a rare stage 4 stomach cancer.

It was tough.

We were all hoping that she would get better, that she would be the one to beat this. But that didn’t happen. To say it was a hard period would be an understatement.

But life goes on…  and I was trying to hold it together for our family, my husband was really struggling and I did what most women do and turned myself into Superwoman. I was working crazy hours and racing around like a mad woman.  At the time I felt proud of myself, I was doing it all.

It’s interesting how we put this badge of honour on ourselves when we try and do everything.  Stressed out of our minds and we feel proud of it!

I don’t do that anymore.

I believe too much stress can really make us sick.

Then in February of 2021, I found a lump and that lump turned out to be Breast Cancer.

Being told you have cancer immediately turns your life upside down. Instantly, you have clarity on what is important and what’s not.

I felt grateful that I had an amazing support network or friends and family.

I felt grateful I had created businesses I loved.

I no longer had time for crap that didn’t matter.

And best of all, I didn’t really give a shit about what other people thought.

I felt so lucky I had been given this clarity and I’m really passionate about helping other women achieve this in their lives.

Don’t wait for a cancer diagnosis to make changes.

Let’s change now!

The Menopause Diet and Midlife Makeover are here to help women feel amazing at all stages of life.

I believe we all need more balance in our lives. I want you to put yourself first, I want to teach you the steps to be as healthy and vibrant as possible at all stages of life.

Let’s love every minute of life and feel amazing.

❤️ Hilds

Dream Big


I believe in dreaming big


We can feel amazing at all ages


That you are stronger than you think


We all need support and love in our lives

Women I’ve helped

In The Media

Hilde Brunnbauer from The Menopause Diet by Get Active


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