FREE January Reset Week 1 tips below First up, Happy New Year! Today, much like any other day, we have an opportunity to work on ourselves and create a life we LOVE. As the years go by it can be easy to lose yourself. I’m moving into my late 40’s, and I’m so...
What causes Menopause Weight Gain?
Have you noticed the weight creep on over the years? You’re perimenopausal and approaching menopause and wondering where the Menopause Weight Gain has come from? You might not feel like you’ve changed much in your lifestyle, but the kilos have crept on. Where has the...
The other side of Breast Cancer
So, here I am sitting on the other side of Breast Cancer, and I must say it’s been a bit harder than I thought. It’s kinda weird, I thought there would be this massive relief, but I always had these thoughts in the back of my mind… Is it really gone? Have I done...
Navigating the U Curve of Happiness
Have you ever woken up one day and realised you’re at the bottom of the U Curve of Happiness. Learn how to navigate the U Curve of Happiness.
Menopause Stress and Anxiety
Is anyone else feeling like life is just getting busier? Personally, as I approach Christmas and the inevitable craziness that accompanies this time of year, it seems...
How Menopause Affects Carbohydrate Processing
Have you noticed as you’ve got older you can’t tolerate the same amount of carbohydrates as you used to? I know I have. What I used to eat in my 20’s and 30’s is very...